33 Results found in the Cowboy Church Net Directory
All The King's Horses Ron Zaccagnini 1838 Trail Creek Rd Lake George, CO 80827 719-838-1441 Cell: 719-838-1441 Email: [email protected] Equine Based Gospel Presentations , Roundpen Demonstrations, Horsemanship Bible Camps, Cowboy Church Leadership Gatherings. Bear Trax Cowboy Church Dan Hood 719-275-0408 1256 Tallahassee Ln Canon City, CO 81212 Sunday at 5:00 pm Have our own indoor arena, trail rides, and cookouts. Beth Williams Music Beth Williams 325 347 7128 http://www.bethwilliamsgospelsongs.com/ Email: [email protected] 21621 Uintah Rd Cedaredge,, CO 81413 Beth Williams is a Christian singer at Cowboy Church's, Women's Retreats and other faith based events. A recovered alcoholic since 1989, Beth delivers a message filled with positive, uplifting songs of hope, recovery, encouragement and trust in God’s love. Christian Cowboy Ministries Fred Ellis 800-838-7256 Cell: 970-756-5009 http://www.christiancowboyministries.org Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 1161 Meeker, CO 81641-1161 Friday and Saturday nights. CCM is a prison outreach with an evangelical Cowboy Church program Country Gospel Cowboy Church Pastor Johnny Lee 25 so denver ave Johns Town, CO. 80543 970 324 1981 Email:[email protected] The sermons at cowboy church are always biblical and relevant. You hear the Word and then are able to apply it and actually live out your faith! At cowboy church we are not about fancy formats or programs, we are just about finding real help from a real Savior! Our music is a mixture of country gospel, old and new, along with some of your favorite hymns you can sing along with. While we make certain all the music will glorify God and our Savior Jesus Christ, we also make sure it is presented in a way regular folks can appreciate. Sunday Service 10:00 Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 COWBOYS FOR CHRIST DURANGO CO CHAPTER 1 970-749-7443 [email protected] JOHN BERANEK 970-749-7443 SAM NOBLE 970-759-8906 FRANK STIMAC 970-764-5785 We meet every Thursday evening 7 pm at the Animas Valley Grange on county road 203 in the north animas valley--western gospel worship music with our cowboys...a message from GOD's word...praise and prayer... fellowship with a cup of hot coffee and homemade snack first Thursday of the month we meet at 6:30 for our family potluck--bring a covered dish to share and join our fellowship praising and worshipping our Lord. Durango's Cowboy Church Gail & Stan Formby 2601 Junction Creek Durango, Colorado 81301 Phone 970 - 247 - 0355 Cell Phone 970 - 749 - 3611 Email: [email protected] We are a true Cowboy Church. Live cowboy band each service. Meeting on Sunday Mornings starts at10 am. (Chuck Wagon Sunday the first Sunday of each month-Smoked brisket dinner-free to one and all. With a guest singer minister) Saddle-up children's ministry June-July each Monday evening location to be announced. Come as you pard! The coffees ready! Fellowship of Christian Cowboys 719-630-7636 http://www.christiancowboys.com P.O. Box 3010 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 Chapters all over. Attending rodeos and holding church services. Fellowship of Christian Cowboys
719 275 7636 [email protected] 120 N. 9th St, Suite F Cañon City, CO 81212 0Our purpose is to present, to cowboys, cowgirls and all whom they influence, the Good News of Jesus Christ and the adventure of receiving Him as Savior and Lord. Our vision is to bring cowboys, cowgirls and all those who enjoy the western lifestyle together and to support them in impacting their communities for the Kingdom of God. Darrin and Lynette Gleghorn 970-214-4649 Email: [email protected] Weld County Rd 33 and 70 Eaton, CO 80645 Sundays at 10.am and Tuesdays at 7.pm God's Country Cowboy Church Greg Deal P.O.Box 970-231-4071 Email: [email protected] Church and Outreach ministry to the Rural areas near Loveland, Colorado. Great Youth and Young Adult ministries along with multiple bible Study. Meeting Dates & Times Service time :7 PM on Saturday Youth Tuesday: 6 PM Ladies Bible Study: Wednesday 7 PM Thurs/God's Country Band Practice FBI/Young Adult Meeting Thurs:7PM Men's Bible Study TBA. 7145 Loveland Colorado In His Rein Ministries Shorty and Carolyn Huffman 970-351-0372 Cell: 970-371-6357 http://www.kerseycowboychurch.org Email: [email protected] 707 3rd Street Court Kersey, CO 80644 Integrity Cowboy Church Brian & Lynn Badger 719-522-0220 http://www.integritycowboychurch.org Email: [email protected] 410F S. 8th Street Colorado Springs, CO 80905 Sundays -- Sunday School 10am, Family Church 11am, Evening Service 6pm Kersey Cowboy Church Shorty Huffman 970-351-0372 Cell: 970-371-6357 http://www.kerseycowboychurch.org Email: [email protected] 707 3rd Street Court Kersey, CO 80644 Last Roundup Cowboy Ministry Pastor Mark Cartwright 1945 Leoti Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado *0195 Phone Number 719 459 2583 [email protected] Website www.lastroundupcowboychurch.com Comment I am an Australian Cowboy Pastor who now lives in Colorado Springs. I am married to Barbara and have 10 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Pastor to cowboys, ranchers and evangelism to the lost wherever they may be. Living Springs Cowboy Church David Egleston Quint Valley Fairgrounds, CO 80103 940-882-5742 Email: [email protected] WebsiteI Describe your ministry Living Springs Cowboy Church Meeting Dates & Times Sundays at 10am Morgan Ministries Bubby and Cindy Morgan 719-852-4618 Email: [email protected] 5701 East County Road 2 South Monte Vista, CO 81144 Mountain Trails Ministries David and Coni Morrison 719-580-1223 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 106 Del Norte, CO 81132 Church services in the great outdoors. Church services held at campgrounds, ranches, trail rides (horseback or ATV), family reunions... Northern Colorado Cowboy Church Darin & Lynette Gleghorn [email protected] We are listed as Darin and Lynette Gleghorn. Our church is Northern Colorado Cowboy Church We are located at 33131 US Hwy 85 Lucerne, CO 80646 Our service times are Saturday @ 6:00pm and Sundays @ 9:00am Our website is www.n3c.tv Phone (907)214-4649 One Spur Ministries Cary & Jennifer Engelman 719-371-7614 Cell: 719-371-3562 Email: [email protected] Westcliffe, CO Paul and Linda Scholtz Paul and Linda Scholtz 719-544-9486 Cell: 719-564-5243 Box 11081 Pueblo, CO 81001 Randy Dodge Cowboy Ministries Randy Dodge 719-523-3009 Email: [email protected] 712 E 10th Springfield, CO 81073 Available for single services or camp meetings/revivals. Cowboy evangelist for camp meetings, revivals, or other gatherings where the word of God is spoken. Randy Gunn Ministries Randy Gunn http://www.gunnpoint.us/ Email: [email protected] 13403 Colorado River Rd. Gypsum, CO 81637 Minister, Musician, Evangelist and Grand Champion Cowboy Rinn Cowboy Christian Fellowship Mike Shaw 303-776-1578 Cell: 970-396-5506 3738 Weld County Rd. Longmont, CO 80504 7:00-8:00 pm every Wednesday Round-up Ministries Jerry Bellis 114089 Hwy 71 Brush, CO 80723 970-768-2076 Email: [email protected] I am an ordained minister with15 year's of experience in rural churches. I am willing to travel to preach God's Word at equine events, rodeos, gymkahnas, ropings, cowboy churches, and anywhere else where a Bible based preacher with a strong testimony is desired. Call for references or more information.Meeting Dates & Times Willing to travel and work with your schedule. Sangre De Cristo Mission Cowboy Min. Everett and Devorah Terry 719-462-5045 Email: [email protected] 101 N. Grand P.O. Box 296 Manzanola, CO 81058 Saturday at 2:00 with dinner following. Bible Study daily, M-F at 9:00 am. Noontime bible study daily, M-F at 12:00 noon. Leadership Training is nightly, M-F at 6:00 pm. Save the Cowboy Kevin Weatherby 432-923-160 http://www.savethecowboy.com Email: [email protected] POB 428 Kiowa, CO 80117 Every Sunday at the Elbert County Fairgrounds in Kiowa, CO Sunday 10:00 a.m. Sunday 6:00 p.m. Bible Study C - Character H - Honesty R - Respect I - Integrity S - Strength T - Truth Simply Christ. Simply Cowboy The Cowboy Church at Crossroad Randy Pfaff 719-784-9126 Cell: 303-548-1082 Email: [email protected] 8 Oak Creek Drive Florence, CO 81226 Sunday at 9:00am (upstairs in the restaurant) Crossroads Indoor Arena and Event Center (1/4 mile southeast of the "crossroads" of highways 50 &115) Penrose, Colorado The Feed Store Bubby and Cindy Morgan 719-852-4618 5701 East County Road 2 South Monte Vista, CO 81144 Tuesday 7 pm - Monte Vista - 144 Adams above Carlucci's Department Store Friday 7 pm - Real Deal Church in La Junta CO - La Junta Livestock Sale Barn La Veta CO - Once a month, Call for more information The No Hat Cowboy Praise Band (Just One Ministries) Frank Balsz 16580 county road 240 Durango, Co. 970-903-8417 Cell: 976-903-3507 Email: [email protected] Traveling Cowboy Praise Ministry Band, my wife and I travel to were ever Gods leads us. We travel from March to Oct. of every year to churches rodeo's and special Christian events. If you are a small or large cowboy church it makes no difference as to the size of your church its the heart of praise that we encourage. We only ask for an offering to get us down the road and a place to park our rig. We start booking in January for the up coming year. God Bless The Seed and Supply Cowboy Church Rod & Susan Colter 719-456-2082 Los Animas, CO Meet on Sundays Wagon Wheel Ranch Bob & Leslie McKibben 719-852-4477 5701 E County Road 2 S Monte Vista, CO 81144 meet on Mondays Western Meadows Rick and Judy Shepard 719-275-3548 P.O. Box 996 Canon City, CO 81215 Wild West Cowboy Church Larry Smith 719-561-4132 http://www.wildwestcowboychurch.org Email: [email protected] 1025 S. Prairie Ave. Pueblo, CO 81005 Sundays, bible class at 9:30 am and worship at 10:30am, evening service at 6:00 pm |