12 Results found in the Cowboy Church Net Directory
Battle Mountain
Dave and Charlotte Thompson
Battle Mountain, NV
Blood Bought Cowboy Church
Leonard & Jeanne Arlint
Email: [email protected]
110 W B St.
Fallon, NV 89406
7 PM Monday
Cowboy Church is a church service. We have a time of praise and
worship, a time for the word and also a time of fellowship
Christ in the Great Basin
Tom and Lorraine Freeman
Cell: 775-934-1488
Email: [email protected]
P.O. Box 306
Owyhee, NV 89832
Meeting every Wednesday night at 6:00pm at Stockmens Supply located in Elko Nevada.
Clint Country Gospel
Clint Alexander
Email: [email protected]
50 Lowery St.
Henderson, NV 89015
Cowboy Fellowship
Eddie Miller
775 575-6159
Cell: 775 741-6194
Email: [email protected]
4210 Farm District Road
Fernley, NV 89408
Bible Study 8AM Sunday
Worship 8:45AM Sunday
Worship 7PM Sunday
All above events are held at 1537 Vassar in Reno Nevada
Wednesday Evening Campfire 6:30PM Held at 305 Alamosa Spanish Springs Nevada
We are a Western Heritage congregation reaching the horse
culture, and western minded folks with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Western Nevada.
Gathering Ministry
Leonard and Jeanne Arlint
Cell: [email protected]
1850 Drumm Lane
Fallon, NV 89406
Great Adventure Harvest Church
John and Kim Prewitt
P.O. Box 2016
Elko, NV 89803
Every Sunday -10:30 am - 425 Railroad St.
1st and 3rd Sunday Evening in Ruby Valley, NV
![]() Joe Russell Ministries, Inc
Joey Russell Address 18015 Aspendale Dr Las Vegas, NV 89123-1923 702 - 303 - 1488 Cell: 702 - 303 - 1488 Email: [email protected] Evangelistic. www.joeyrussell.com Sharing Gods love Through Music |
Morning Star Outfitters
Bo and Cathy Lowe
Cell: 775-777-4472
P.O. Box 608
Jackpot, NV 89825
Steelin' for Jesus
Larry Farrell
Email: [email protected]
11232 Vinters Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89138
Sweetwater Christian Fellowship
Tom Walburn
775 721-3163
Email: [email protected]
60 Garms Circle
Smith, NV 89430
10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship and Children 's Sunday School 6:30 P.M.
Tuesday eve Bible Study
Presently meeting at the new firehouse on state
Route 208, one mile east of Smith.
Sweetwater Christian Fellowship is a Non-denominational Cowboy Church.
Our focus is to worship the Lord with singing; prayers and sound Biblical
teaching. Nothing fancy just back to the basics of worship, "Country Style".
The Country Western Church of Las Vegas
Joel Stephens
6200 Rio Vista St.
Las Vegas, NV 89130
Every Saturday - 6:30pm, Weekly Study Groups, Special Events: Team Ropings,
Trail Rides, Barrel Races, and Children's Play Days